We still have a commonwealth, but not for much longer. Because in order to have a commonwealth, the commons must have the wealth. But our elites are killing our middle class and taking its wealth.
Stand up to preserve our republic, protect your homes, and defend your children’s future.
Fall in behind Operation Abigail, which alone will tame plutocracy.
In 1776, America was born a middle-class republic. In 1945, the middle class was re-born. In 2024, the middle class is dying.
Common sense and political theory agree: the middle class should own at least half the wealth. The middling share is only 25%, down 5% in 35 years and $35 trillion below target. $50 trillion has been diverted from ordinary Americans to elites since 1975 relative to post-War run-rates.
Upward mobility is dying. Boomers had a 90% chance of surpassing their parents; Gen X only 50%; it’s even worse for Millennials and Gen Z.
Ordinary households are on average perhaps $250,000 poorer than they should be. The typical paycheck is perhaps 30% less than it would be, had post-War rates continued.
Whereas middle-class primacy produces: Political stability, healthy markets, optimism, personal responsibility, civic virtue, strong traditions, moderate laws, modest politicians, and accountable government,
Wealth concentration produces middling insecurity, which leads to: Pessimism, anger, addiction, polarization, demagoguery, dependency, patronage, cultism, and authoritarianism.
Wealth concentration also: Amplifies greed, destroys the middling virtues, corrupts elections, fosters crony capitalism, narrows upward mobility, and perpetuates pre-Revolution Black wealth disparities.
Vision: from the standpoint of middle-class primacy, take America back to the 1950s, without the racism and the sexism.
Mission: to rebuild our middle class, optimize capitalism, and preserve our republic through one simple policy measure.
Doctrine: no gains for the middle, no gains for the top.
Method: median-top household wealth tethering, enforced via national incentive plan.
Put plutocracy on capitalism’s own invention of the long-term incentive plan. Design the incentive plan to reward voluntary wealth de-concentration, and punish continued wealth concentration. Benchmark success against the national median household net worth. Create the incentive by tethering ultra-rich household outcomes to the national median at an efficient ratio so that elite outcomes rise and fall lockstep in proportion to middle-class outcomes.
The initial ratio would be 10,000:1, setting a $1.5 billion cap. Once the ratio is in place, elites must raise the median in order to improve their own outcomes.
Means: the ratio would be enforced by a tax. To defeat geographic arbitrage, the tax must be federal. To survive apportionment clause attack, the tax must be a constitutional amendment.
Strategy: to build support, the amendment must:
Distribute proceeds in equal shares to each State which timely ratifies it (38 required);
Grandfather existing fortunes, but only to the extent repatriated to the United States;
Forever prohibit wealth taxes on households below the initial $1.5 billion cap;
Prohibit any new federal direct taxes or rate hikes on such households for 20 years. Impose no taxes, mandates, or regulations upon enterprises; and
Suspend the tax for as long as the middle class owns at least 50% of national wealth.